Toons for Teens: The Cure for a Cartoon Slump

When is the last time you saw an animated series specifically for older teens? Probably never, or not since Adventure Time ended. In fact, ask most American animation fans and their recommendations for older teens can be listed on one hand. If you’re passionate about animation you’ve probably seen all of those recommendations at least once in your life. You want something more, but how to find it?

the easy way

Ask an animator or animation student! About 95% of the recommendations I’ve gotten have been extremely cool and unique to say the least. The other 5% are crude “how NOT to animate” clips from the early days of animation and aren’t for everyone (lest we remember Sonic Underground). Roughly half of the shows suggested are all on Indie Animator channels like Cartoon Hangover, YouTube, and vimeo.

Cartoon Hangover homepage showcasing most popular series.

if it’s good why isn’t it on tv?

Cartoon Hangover specializes in making cartoons “that are too [whatever] for TV.” It’s because these shows are on independent channels that they are allowed to be so imaginative and creative with all of their content. If they were on TV, the shows would have to adhere to stricter rules and guidelines from networks and other agencies. The production timelines are usually a bit more relaxed with new episodes coming out every 2-4 weeks for a ten minute episode (compare to the very aggressive schedule of one episode every week for over a year). The production teams are also smaller, which gives every series a very intimate and loved feeling; you know the people making the series have fun.

Still from Cartoon Network’s Teen Titans GO! “Self-Indulgent 200th Episode Spectacular, Part 1” showcasing all 199 previous episode titles.

your views are your voice

To piggyback on a previous post about using legitimate methods to watch your favorite shows, Cartoon Hangover, YouTube, and vimeo are all legitimate services that track views and shares. By using these services you’re actually helping your favorite creators and animators keep making the content you love! If the show gets enough traffic there might even be merchandise available, or the series might make the jump to TV. All around having a cartoon hangover is actually a good thing.

what will you do next time?

So what do you do the next time you can’t find anything new to watch? Ask an animator! Or skip that step and go directly to an independent animation website like Cartoon Hangover. Not only are you supporting independent artists, but you’re also letting your voice be heard through the shows you watch. Keep watching and more content will be made just for you.

Share your Cartoon Hangover and find perfectly odd entertainment for perfect people.

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